A while back~I was at this garage sale and in the back of her garage I saw this old, old dresser. I asked her if it was for sale and she says in a hurried voice, "If you would take it, you can have it~Save me a trip to the dump!" Inside my heart was skipping a beat as I wanted that piece soooo bad! I thought it would look perfect in my entry way!
....I brought the thing home, threw it in my garage and vacuumed all the cobwebs out~then I went to Target and got new knobs for it! All my neighbors were laughing at me, "What are you doing with that thing?" I excitedly told them the story of my new find and how it will make a perfect addition to my home! They couldn't believe I would bring that in my house!
So far, it has standed the test of time~through a move and into our rental home where I found a perfect spot for it...BUT, I don't plan on taking it to the new home because I don't have a perfect spot!
...so if anyone would want to be the new owner after me...you must follow my blog and just leave me a comment! (you have to live close & haul yourselves)~
1st comment gets it!! And if no one comments~LOL~I will donate it to the GoodWill!
As I've said before...Another ones trash...is another man's treasure!!
Luvs, Shelby
Did I do this right ? Because I really want this.....